Damage control
CRTL organizes international appraisals through a network forged through its experience
CRTL also benefits from partnerships with its international partners, notably in the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and China.
Our intermediaries are referenced by us and meet our requirements in terms of quality and pricing.

Break in the cold chain on a load of frozen horse mackerel
CRTL is instructed by the insurers of a French exporter following a sanitary backflow of a shipment of frozen horse mackerel from Asia.
A contradictory survey was set up within 48 hours following the request for intervention.
The contradictory findings highlighted a break in the cold chain.
The CRTL manager contacted the local authorities to organize the destruction of the goods.

Robbery during international transport
During a transport of cosmetics between France and Croatia, a theft occurred at a rest area in Belgium.
CRTL is instructed by the insurers of the goods and intervenes:
• In Croatia, for a contradictory account of the missing goods at destination
• In Belgium, at the scene of the theft to determine the exact circumstances

Damage to an industrial machine
During a container transport of conveyors between France and the United States, damage was noted at reception.
CRTL intervened at the request of the freight forwarder’s insurers.
The joint survey report highlighted a potting defect.

Contaminated oak barrels in transit
Following a container transport of oak barrels to Australia, a TBP (tribromophenol) contamination is noticed.
CRTL intervened on behalf of cargo interest and a contradictory survey of the goods was set up.
The container was blocked and samples of the floor and walls were taken.
The conclusions of the survey highlighted the pollution of the barrels by the floor of the container.
Our international surveys